Loose Heart Moissanite



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Product Information

A loose moissanite stone with a heart shape looks dazzling. Isn’t it? It is a perfect symbol of love for every unique bond. Find loose heart-shaped moissanite and get it studded in a ring, and then gift it to someone close to your heart. Imagine how special that person is going to feel seeing this surprise. Additionally, the one who receives this ring will be amazed to know about the efforts you made crafting this gift. Everyone gets readymade rings for their close people, but only a few pay attention to some unique designs that they can get. This time, look for something outstanding for the person whom you love a lot. 

Gift them from one of the coolest heart moissanite rings collections made from the loose stone you picked from San Moissan online store. 

How is heart-shaped moissanite unique?

Modified from the brilliant round cut, these stunning stones offer excellent fire and brilliance and are suitable for both rings and pendants. Though heart cut stones can vary in narrowness, the classic heart shape has a length-to-width ratio of 1.0. Moreover, this shape perfectly symbolizes heartfelt emotions and serene love between two individuals. 

A few facts about a moissanite stone

Moissanite stones come with ultimate sparkle and forever shine. Here are a few facts about a moissanite stone:

  • It is one of the hardest stones next to diamonds, measuring 9.25 Mohs on the scale of hardness. 
  • A moissanite stone is durable and needs minimal maintenance due to its scratch-resistant surface. 
  • Moissanite has a high heat-resistance upto 1100 degree centigrades. Therefore, it retains its colour even at exposure to extreme heat. 

Buy this loose stone for getting your elegantly-designed moissanite engagement heart ring.



0.15 kg


10 × 10 × 8 cm

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